Sluta skriva
Bah, jag orkar inte längre. Haha, har annat skoj för mig än att sitta och uggla framför datorn :)
My corset
Before I started, I had a clear idea what my corset would look like. Very much Marie Antoinette, with soft colours like off-white, light shades of pink, blue and brown. I also wanted to decorate my corset with ribbons, lace and maybe some beads. I really like the 18th century, so romantic and delightful. This was the easiest part of the whole project actually. After this I looked after a pattern that would fit to my idea, I found one quite soon. I took my body measurements and changed the pattern to the right size. It was a bit tricky; excess there, reduce on another place. When this was done, I could measure how much cloth I were forced to buy. I had already seen a fabric at the school so I didn?t had to bother about that. If I?d tried to look for another, it would probably have cost me much more and I guess that I would have found a similar fabric either. The only thing I had to look for now was my decorations. But I didn?t have to buy it already. Because of I already had my cloth; I began to cut out the different pieces early. God, there were so many! There were 8 pr 10 pieces of each lining fabric and the cloth I were going to show when I were the corset. Each piece was marked with seam allowance, and a number so I could keep the different piece apart. This was to help me later on, when the sewing began. I also had to mark top and bottom; they almost looked the same on each side. It facilitated my work quite a lot. Very soon I were enough prepared to start stitch the different pieces together. It was very tricky I must confess! Not only the right pieces must be set together, the spur marking must be matched too. When I?d pin the pieces, so they would stay in place, I started stitch. The works proceed well, but a few hours later, I still wasn?t done with stitching the pieces together. There was much tinkering, it must be precise. I hurried a bit; I wanted to hold the time limit. Though I had came quite far in the process. After I?d stitched the pieces together, the procedures moved on with cut plastic splints, the right length and then rasp the corners off so they wouldn?t make a hole in the cloth. Quite boring but it just makes me work even harder to get rid of that. Then it was time to stitch the ducts for the plastic splints. This was difficult. The ducts couldn?t be smaller than 7 mm, and if they were too wide the splints would drift around. About 8-9 mm was just the right size.When this was done there were about time to put the splints in. I had made some of the ducts a little too small, so a few of them were very hard to put in! I even got sweaty.. Now it was time to stitch the hem-line. But (of course) I?d made some of the plastic splints too long, so I had to cut them, or more correctly; rasp them down a bit. When I had done that, I pin the hem-line. Because of the splints, I had to stitch this by hade, the needle would break otherwise.
Heyhoe let's go..
Det är lördag. schlagerfestivalen ikväll, och hockey! :o Sverige är i semifinal mot Kanada. Hoppas innerligt att Sverige tar hem segern, det betyder final mot Finland imorgon. Alltid lika spännande att spela mot grannarna :) Är ni lika nördiga som jag när det gäller detta? Blir en lugn hemmakväll tonight, orkar inte gå ut. Kanske man ska fixa ben, hy, fötter mm? Ha en liten skönhetskväll kombinerat med hockeyn och Eurovision Song contest. haha, vi får se hur det blir!
Har hänt en del under veckan och kommer göra det framöver, så därför kanske jag bara skriver något inlägg i veckan. Men ni får gärna fortsätta besöka :)
Ha det bra!

Har hänt en del under veckan och kommer göra det framöver, så därför kanske jag bara skriver något inlägg i veckan. Men ni får gärna fortsätta besöka :)
Ha det bra!

3 May, 2007.
Torsdag, oh vad underbart. Imorgon fredag och åka upp till M. Ska bli så skönt att ses :) Slutade klockan 11 idag, efter att ha genomlidit två delar nationella prov i engelska. Usch så hemskt. Väl inne i stan så köpte jag hörlurarna av Nathalie, haha dags att skaffa ett par egna kanske.. Som jag då gjorde. Var på jakt efter några grejjer till M, och det hittade jag :) Himla nöjd är jag måste jag säga! Halva väskan imorgon kommer bestå av paket så jag måste komprimera min garderob jag vanligtvis tar med mig upp..
Blev sjukt glad också när mamma sa att vi ska till Kreta två veckor i sommar! Yes, jag ska bli brun :D Iih, i samma område vi var i för flera år sedan. Mysigt värre.. Dock hade jag gärna velat att M följde med, men är nog lite svårt. Nästa år :) Men å andra sidan så kanske vi två åker iväg ngn stasn iaf. En liten weekend eller så! Vad ska ni hitta på i sommar?